Population Health the 20th Anniversary Edition

By Fred Goldstein, MS, Alexandria Skoufalos, EdD and Gregg Masters, MPH Can you believe it’s been 20 years since the first Population Health Colloquium? Back then, we were just a few months into a new century. Maybe some of you even remember the concern over whether Y2K (a programming shortcut that used two digits to …

The Transformation Continues – PopHealth Week’s Focus in July

by Fred Goldstein The role of Primary Care Providers is changing and much of this is for the better. With the Triple Aim of improving the patient experience, improving the health of populations and reducing per capita costs; along with new payment methodologies, quality measures, organizational structures, and the like, primary care providers are being …

Announcing the Launch of ‘PopHealth Week’

By Fred Goldstein This week Gregg Masters (@2healthguru) and I (@fsgoldstein), along with Doug Goldstein (@eFuturist) are announcing the launch of PopHealth Week. This is a weekly Internet radio podcast (typically broadcast at 12 pm Eastern each Wednesday) with an associated website at www.pophealthweek.com. We intend to focus on all things population health. Our shows will feature 1) people, topics, …