ACO Digital Assets Available

by Gregg A. Masters, MPH It’s been quite some time that I’ve updated this site though not for a lack of news. Yet some 434 posts later following the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, the signature, and against all odds accomplishment of then President Barack Obama, I thought I’d update both subscribers and followers …

Population Health the 20th Anniversary Edition

By Fred Goldstein, MS, Alexandria Skoufalos, EdD and Gregg Masters, MPH Can you believe it’s been 20 years since the first Population Health Colloquium? Back then, we were just a few months into a new century. Maybe some of you even remember the concern over whether Y2K (a programming shortcut that used two digits to …

Meet the Next Generation ACO Cohort

by Gregg A. Masters, MPH As announced in ‘Next Generation ACOs: A Deep Dive Series‘ we’re launching a multimedia (blog, internet radio, social media and community tweetchats) programming schedule that will focus on the accountable care industry with specific deep dives into select participants in the cohort admitted by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. Written versions …

The Quality Payment Program

by Gregg A. Masters, MPH In our healthcare innovation economy from the private sector to material modifications of public programs including Medicare and Medicaid there is a massive effort to identify and enable sustainable delivery and financing schema to stem the treasury bleeding and inch however incrementally towards ‘universal coverage’. Ideological talking points opposing ‘Obamacare‘ …

TrumpCare: As the Puzzle Emerges…

by Gregg A. Masters, MPH As the Trump administration takes form via the nomination of Rep. Tom Price to ‘steward’ (or decimate) the massive bureaucracy of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with Seema Verma nominated as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Administration (CMS) the structural touch-points to manifest the ‘repeal and replace‘ agenda …

CMS Quality Measure Development Plan: A DRAFT

by Gregg A. Masters, MPH An inspirational leader and ‘disruptive‘ politician taken down well ahead of his time once opined: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country…” John Fitzgerald Kennedy Fast forward some 55+ years and season such an invitation with the relentless drone of 24/7/365 …

ACOs and Population Health: The Value Narrative

by Gregg A. Masters, MPH Before there was ‘accountable care’, the current full court press towards innovation – whether digital health app, platform or service delivery model, an emerging culture of transformation or the attendant pursuit of the triple aim, not to mention the most recent obsession with ‘retail as cure’ for that which ails healthcare, …